ACM ISS 2024
Sun 27 - Wed 30 October 2024

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct 2024 11:00 - 11:18 at Theatre C300 - Paper Session 4: Large Surface & Space

Large curved displays are becoming increasingly popular due to their ability to provide users with a wider field of view and a more immersive experience compared to flat displays. Current interaction techniques for large curved displays often assume a user is positioned at the display's centre, crucially failing to accommodate general use conditions where the user may move during use. In this work, we investigated how user position impacts pointing interaction on large curved displays and evaluated cursor enhancement techniques to provide faster and more accurate performance across positions. To this effect, we conducted two user studies. First, we evaluated the effects of user position on pointing performance on a large semi-circular display (3m-tall, 3270R curvature) through a 2D Fitts' Law selection task. Our results indicate that as users move away from the display, their pointing speed significantly increases (at least by 9%), but accuracy decreases (by at least 6%). Additionally, we observed participants were slower when pointing from laterally offset positions. Secondly, we explored which pointing techniques providing motor- and visual-space enhancements best afford effective pointing performance across user positions. Across a total of six techniques tested, we found that a combination of acceleration and distance-based adjustments with cursor enlargement significantly improves target selection speed and accuracy across different user positions. Results further show techniques with visual-space enhancements (e.g., cursor enlargement) are significantly faster and more accurate than their non-visually-enhanced counterparts. Based on our results we provide design recommendations for implementing cursor enhancement techniques for large curved displays.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

11:00 - 12:15
Paper Session 4: Large Surface & SpacePapers at Theatre C300
Exploring Pointer Enhancement Techniques for Target Selection on Large Curved Display
Dhruv Bihani University of British Columbia, Okanagan, A K M Amanat Ullah University of British Columbia, Okanagan, Charles-Olivier Dufresne-Camaro University of British Columbia, William Delamare ESTIA, Pourang Irani University of British Columbia, Khalad Hasan University of British Columbia Okanagan
The Elephant in the Room: Expert Experiences Designing, Developing and Evaluating Data Visualizations on Large Displays
Mahsa Sinaei Carleton University , Pak Kwan University of Cincinnati, Matthew Klich University of Cincinnati, Jillian Aurisano University of Cincinnati, Fateme Rajabiyazdi Carleton University
Magic Mirror: Designing a Weight Change Visualization for Domestic Use
Jonas Keppel University of Duisburg-Essen, Marvin Strauss University of Duisburg-Essen, Uwe Gruenefeld University of Duisburg-Essen, Stefan Schneegass University of Duisburg-Essen
Popping-Up Poster: A Pin-Based Promotional Poster Device for Engaging Customers through Physical Shape Transformation
Kojiro Tanaka University of Tsukuba, Takuya Iwamoto CyberAgent, Yuki Okafuji CyberAgent