ACM ISS 2024
Sun 27 - Wed 30 October 2024

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct 2024 14:33 - 14:52 at Theatre C300 - Paper Session 5: Interaction

While augmented reality (AR) headsets provide entirely new ways of seeing and interacting with data, traditional computing devices can play a symbiotic role when used in conjunction with AR as a hybrid user interface. A promising use case for this setup is situated analytics. AR can provide embedded views that are integrated with their physical referents, and a separate device such as a tablet can provide a familiar situated overview of the entire dataset being examined. While prior work has explored similar setups, we sought to understand how people perceive and make use of visualizations presented on both embedded visualizations (in AR) and situated visualizations (on a tablet) to achieve their own goals. To this end, we conducted an exploratory study using a scenario and task familiar to most: adjusting light levels in a smart home based on personal preference and energy usage. In a prototype that simulates AR in virtual reality, embedded visualizations are positioned next to lights distributed across an apartment, and situated visualizations are provided on a handheld tablet. We observed and interviewed 19 participants using the prototype. Participants were easily able to perform the task, though the extent the visualizations were used during the task varied, with some making decisions based on the data and others only on their own preferences. Our findings also suggest the two distinct roles that situated and embedded visualizations can have, and how this clear separation might improve user satisfaction and minimize attention-switching overheads in this hybrid user interface setup. We conclude by discussing the importance of considering the user's needs, goals, and the physical environment for designing and evaluating effective situated analytics applications.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 29 Oct

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14:15 - 15:30
Paper Session 5: InteractionPapers at Theatre C300
0.2-mm-Step Verification of the Dual Gaussian Distribution Model with Large Sample Size for Predicting Tap Success Rates
Shota Yamanaka LY Corporation, Hiroki Usuba LY Corporation
Lights, Headset, Tablet, Action: Exploring the Use of Hybrid User Interfaces for Immersive Situated Analytics
Xiaoyan Zhou Colorado State University, Benjamin Lee University of Stuttgart, Francisco Ortega Colorado State University, Anil Ufuk Batmaz Concordia University, Yalong Yang Georgia Institute of Technology
Passive Stylus Tracking: A Systematic Literature Review
Tavish M Burnah Massey University, Md Athar Imtiaz Massey University, Hans Werner Guesgen Massey University, George L Rudolph Utah Valley University, Rachel Blagojevic Massey University
Zooming In: A Review of Designing for Photo Taking in Human-Computer Interaction and Future Prospects
Aleksandra Wysokińska Lodz University of Technology, Konstantin R. Strömel Osnabrück University, Paweł W. Woźniak TU Wien