ACM ISS 2024
Sun 27 - Wed 30 October 2024
Florian Alt

Registered user since Fri 19 May 2023

Name:Florian Alt

Florian Alt is a Professor for Computer Science at the Bundeswehr University Munich. He is head of the Usable Security and Privacy Group, which is part of the Research Institute CODE.

Florian is interested in how secure systems can be designed that blend with the way in which users interact with computing devices. In particular, his research focuses on understanding users’ behavior in security-critical contexts, in building security mechanisms based on users’ behavior (behavioral biometrics), in leveraging users’ physiology to both enhance existing security mechanisms as well as build novel security mechanisms (physiological security) and in understanding and investigating threats that emerge from novel ubiquitous technologies (ubiquitous security). Specific application areas of his research are usable security in smart homes, social engineering, and authentication.

Florian regularly serves as associate chair, associate editor, and program committee member of leading conferences and journals in the field of human-computer interaction and ubiquitous computing (e.g., CHI, IMWUT / Ubicomp, DIS, NordiCHI, MUM, PerDis). He was a Co-Chair of the CHI 2021 and 2020 UX subcommittee, TPC Chair of Mensch und Computer 2020 and 2023 and was Program Co-Chair of Mensch und Computer 2019. Furthermore, Florian is the Steering Committee Chair for the MUM Conference Series. He was Conference Co-Chair of MUM 2018, Program Co-Chair of MUM 2016, Program Co-Chair of PerDis 2015, and Workshop Chair of ETRA 2020 and MobileHCI 2013.

Together with his team, he has won best paper and honorable mention awards at CHI, MobileHCI, IDC, and AmI. His research and supervision have been funded by the DFG, the ZD.B / Bavarian State Ministry for Education and Science, BMW, the Humboldt Foundation, the DAAD, Google, and the Telekom Innovation Labs.

Prior to his appointment at the Bundeswehr University, Florian was an Assistant Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at the LMU München as well as a guest lecturer at the JKU Linz and the University of Duisburg-Essen. Apart from his academic appointment, Florian worked as a web developer (Pinnacle Systems) and IT specialist (Schreiner Group) in the US. Florian holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Stuttgart and a diploma in Media Informatics from LMU Munich.

Affiliation:Bundeswehr University Munich
Research interests:Usable Security, Mixed Reality, Public Displays


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