ACM ISS 2024
Sun 27 - Wed 30 October 2024

Call for Proposals

We invite researchers and practitioners working in the field of interactive surfaces and spaces to submit workshop proposals for ACM ISS 2024. ISS Workshops provide a unique opportunity to discuss ideas, challenges, and new work around more specific topics in the area of interactive spaces and surfaces.

The workshop proposal submission deadline is July 12th, 2024. We welcome proposals from a large variety of topics and application domains, such as education, and healthcare. Example topics include but are not limited to the topics of the conference:

  • Technical and theoretical concepts for interaction:
    • Architectural concepts
    • Social aspects and protocols related to interacting with surfaces and spaces
    • Multi-modality
    • Interactive 3D spaces (Mixed Reality and Augmented Reality, mid-air displays, …)
    • Interactive architecture
    • Software engineering methods and frameworks
    • Interactive surfaces and spaces that support group work or social interaction
  • Interaction modalities:
    • Multi-touch interaction with mobile devices
    • Large display interfaces and multi-display environments
    • Gesture-based interfaces (hands, fingers, body)
    • Interaction paradigms around large surfaces (tangibles, pen+touch, etc.)
    • Multi-modal interfaces
    • Tangible user interfaces
    • Body-worn devices
    • Different materials and form factors: curved, sand, water, …
    • Large-scale and outdoor interactive spaces (projected interfaces, drones, …)
  • Emerging trends:
    • New and emerging body and space sensing technologies
    • Feel, taste, smell and splash user interfaces on surfaces
    • Novel interaction techniques and paradigms
    • Beyond traditional surfaces: shape-changing and actuated surfaces, body-related, …
  • Applicative domains:
    • Immersive analytics and data physicalization
    • Museum and art installation trends
    • Hardware, including sensing and input technologies with novel capabilities, and results from maker communities
  • Design, experimentation and evaluation:
    • Evaluation methods for surface applications
    • Human-centered design and methodologies related to interactive surfaces and spaces
    • Empirical evaluations of novel interactive surfaces and/or spaces designs
    • Evaluations of deployed interactive surfaces and/or spaces in specific domains (public spaces, education, science, business, entertainment, health, art, homes, etc.)
  • …and other exciting topics!

Quick Overview

  • All workshops will take place on October 27, 2024.
  • Workshops can run for either half a day or the full day.
  • Workshops at ISS 2024 will be open and inclusive. Attendance for all scheduled workshops will be open to all participants who choose to register.
  • The main conference registration includes workshops. However, there will also be an option to register for workshops only, without registering for the full conference.
  • Workshops will be hybrid, with registration open to people attending both in-person and online. Organizers must plan to accommodate virtual attendees (we can provide Zoom links for this).
  • At least one organizer must be at the workshop in person. Remote-only workshops are not permitted.
  • Accepted workshop proposals will be published as part of the ISS conference proceedings and available in the ACM Digital Library.

Submitting a Workshop Proposal

By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.

Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.

We request a short workshop proposal (up to 4 pages, excluding references). Please format your submission using the single-column ACM Master Article Submission Template.

Please include the following information in your 4-page workshop proposal:

  • Workshop title
  • Proposed workshop length (half-day or full-day)
  • Full contact information of all workshop organizers and the main contact person
  • Topic, nature and goals of the workshop
  • Relevance of the workshop to the ISS community
  • Topics and planned activities covered in the workshop
  • A description of how the organizers plan to handle the online aspects of the workshop
    • ISS 2024 will be hybrid (including both online and on-site participation)
    • Please indicate how you aim to facilitate and support an engaging workshop in a hybrid, synchronous format
    • Example tools that could be used to facilitate online brainstorming include: Mural, Miro

Please submit the workshop proposal using the PCS Submission System system by July 12, 2024.

Selection Process

Proposals will be reviewed confidentially by the workshop chairs and ISS 2024 Program Committee. Decisions about workshop acceptance are final.


  • Registration: I would like to organize a workshop. Do I have to register for the conference?
    • No, a registration option will be provided for attending the workshops without attending the rest of the conference.
  • Registration: I would like to participate in a workshop. Do I have to register for the conference?
    • No, a registration option will be provided for attending the workshops without attending the rest of the conference.
  • Registration: Do I need to submit a position paper to attend a workshop?
    • No, workshops will be open and inclusive. Anyone who would like to attend a workshop may register.
  • Publication: I want to submit a workshop proposal. If the workshop proposal is accepted, will it be published in the proceedings?
    • Yes, the proceedings will include the workshop proposal
  • Publication: Should my workshop proposal be anonymized?
    • No, the proposals should not be anonymous
  • Publication: I want to submit a workshop paper to a specific workshop. If the workshop paper is accepted, will it be published in the proceedings?
    • No. Workshops do not require paper submissions to attend, however, materials may be requested by organizers in advance of the workshop. Proceedings will only include the workshop proposal but not the workshop submissions. However, the workshop organizers can decide if they want to publish the accepted workshop papers elsewhere (e.g. on the workshop website).
  • Workshop organization: Is ISS going to be hybrid or virtual?
    • Yes, ISS 2024 will be hybrid. Previous conferences have shown that it is possible to organize engaging workshops in a virtual setting. Workshop proposals should include one paragraph that specifies how a hybrid (synchronous) workshop will be implemented. However, at least one organizer has to register, and be at the conference running the workshop in person.
  • Workshop organization: Can we set up our own website to manage the workshop?
    • No, all workshops will have a website set up for them on the conference management platform. The reason for this is for everything to be contained in one site and we can create a nice program from it.
  • Workshop organization: What are exemplary tools for brainstorming online?
    • Miro
    • Trello
    • Mural
    • Evernote
  • Workshop organization: Is ISS providing access to video conferencing software?
    • The conference provides access to a Zoom licence.

Workshop Co-Chairs

Ahmed Arif, University of California, Merced, USA Benjamin Tag, Monash University, Australia

If you have questions about Tutorials for ISS 2024, please contact the Tutorial Chairs at